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DevBlog, Archive: 2016


Released version 1.1.0 the game BabyMagica!

24/12/2016 In the mini-game "Train for animals", we have added new entertainment elements: balloons and airplanes. Also we have added a new obstacle - haystacks on the tracks. A new animal - hippo on the platform awaiting a train.

A new character - Hippo

19/12/2016 Big Hippo also wants to take a ride on a small train for animals :)

New gameplay element — haystack

12/12/2016 In the game added a new game element — haystack on the way train.

Balloons and toy airplanes

06/12/2016 We are now working on an update to the mini-game "Train for Animals." Already added new game elements: balloons and toy airplanes.

Released version 1.0.9 the game BabyMagica!

26/11/2016 The new 1.0.9 version of the game BabyMagica is already available for download in the GooglePlay store. In the mini-game "Happy Sun" we added a new game element - Constellation puzzle in the night sky, as well as new caps and glasses for the Sun.


23/11/2016 In the mini-game "Happy Sun" we have added more than 20 images of animals presented in the form of puzzles, constellations in the night sky.

The new game element - puzzles!

06/11/2016 It is time to bring our game for children another educational element - puzzles.This element will be available in the next update to the mini-game "Huppy sun" in the night sky. The drawings will be presented in the form of constellations and to consist of 4 parts that will not be hard for the child to collect them. Assembling the puzzle contributes to the development of creativity, imagination, spatial thinking, memory.

An update 1.0.8 game BabyMagica!

01/11/2016 v1.0.8 already available on Google Play. In the mini-game "Happy Sun" added new game elements: a new animal behemoth airship; glasses, hats, bows, mustaches and beards to the sun.

BabyMagica v1.0.7 is released!

04/10/2016 BabyMagica v 1.0.7 already available on Google Play. In the mini-game "Happy Sun" added sweetness: now you can feed the sun.

Version 1.0.6 BabyMagica games already available on Google Play!

26/09/2016 BabyMagica v 1.0.6 already available on Google Play. In the mini-game "Little Squirrel" added the mushrooms, which can be collected for the squirrels and hedgehogs. Added decorative elements.

Version 1.0.4 BabyMagica games already available on Google Play!

13/09/2016 BabyMagica v 1.0.4 already available on Google Play! Mini-games "Little Squirrel" and "Happy Sun" translated into 60 fps. Some elements added.

Version 1.0.3 BabyMagica games already available on Google Play!

4/09/2016 BabyMagica v 1.0.3 already available on Google Play! Mini-game “Train for animals” now runs at 60 fps. Added a new animal — the Pig and Little owlet. Added a bunch of apples on the rails. Added new backgrounds: forest, apple farm. Added animated flowers and grass in the foreground. Bees flying around the bear is now possible to shoot down. A steam locomotive sound effects added vibration.

Little owlet

19/08/2016 Another passenger in the mini-game "Train for animals" (BabyMagica, v 1.0.3) - the little owlet in a nightcap.

New decorative elements!

04/08/2016 In the mini-game "Train for animals» (BabyMagica, v 1.0.3) added decorative animated elements: flowers and mushrooms, responsive to the player's touch.

Pink Pig

21/07/2016 A new character in the mini-game "Train for animals" - pink pig that loves to eat apples.

A big pile of apples on the rails!

15/07/2016 Version 1.0.3 of the game BabyMagica in production. One of the new elements is a big bunch of ripe apples directly in the path of the train!

Update for the game BabyMagica!

6/06/2016 Game Version 1.0.2 is available for download in GooglePlay. The "Little Squirrel" mini-game: Added new species of butterflies. The "Happy Sun" mini-game: Added new animals on balls. Performed optimization.

Update for the game BabyMagica!

18/05/2016 Game Version 1.0.1 is available for download in GooglePlay. In the mini-game "Little Squirrel" added a new character - a Hedgehog. It is also made to optimize the application, fixed bug with memory leak.

Game BabyMagica available!

08/05/2016 Game BabyMagica available for download in Google Play!